Juicing; A Fantastic Way to Regain Control Over Your Life!

By July 10, 2018blog, Body
How Juicing Changed My Life

A few years ago, I saw a documentary on Netflix titled, “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” directed and starred by Joe Cross. Joe was overweight, had a chronic auto-immune disease and was clinically depressed.  He was sick of being sick and needed to make a change. After a 60-day juice fast, Joe lost over 80lbs, healed his body from his auto-immune disease and regained a sense of worth and happiness.  Joe started a movement at that moment that has inspired millions of people to change the way they look at food. The most important message that was ingrained in my head from this documentary, was that every single thing we put in our mouths either hurts us or heals us.

I just wanted to heal.

As a mother of 3, it’s easy to lose myself in doing things for others and never make myself a priority. I’m drained and tired and the last thing I have time for is working out or cooking something healthy.  Does anyone else like to pay for convenience, like me? Truth is, I would preach to my kids how important being healthy was, but I wouldn’t practice it myself.  I felt disgusting and would rarely want to look at myself in the mirror. With the crazy health statistics out there, I didn’t want my life cut short and I wanted my kids to live a long and happy one.

I needed to make a change.

My juicing journey began about 2 years ago. Along the way I have dedicated time on viewing documentaries, looking up recipes and researching information from a lot of online resources regarding juicing. Joe and I are so passionate about helping others get healthy, that the concept inspired us to create a website to share our knowledge.  ( SelfSoulCare.com )

Juicing is a fantastic way of regaining control of your life; by healing the body, boosting emotional health and enhancing brain function.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great way to heal the body. Dr. Oz explained this concept well during his 3-day weekend cleanse episode. These juices are full of antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins that help our bodies rid themselves of toxins, fat cells, and inflammation. Juicing is the most efficient way to absorb these nutrients into our bloodstream. In essence, healing our bodies from countless diseases.

Continued Benefits of Juicing
Food is thy medicine

The biggest difference I’ve noticed since starting juicing is that my energy levels have significantly increased. Not only does juicing make me feel great but it also aids in weight-loss.  Seeing my body changing and getting compliments was making me feel really good about myself.  Losing weight has helped me regain a sense of self-worth helping me feel more confident.  Since I’m happier, I feel more emotionally balanced and this allows me to be more patient.  Since I don’t get frustrated as easily, my kids are happier!

Most of our decisions are influenced by our emotions. I’ve noticed that I make more rational decisions while juicing.  Juicing is a great way to gain mental clarity and self-awareness. I am able to focus more on school work while being efficient with my tasks.

Drew Canole, founder, and CEO of Fitlife.TV points out an amazing statistic in an article on his website. A study showed that when people incorporated juicing 3 or more times per week, they were 76 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Just imagine what this does to your brain!

Incorporating juicing into my daily routine, makes me feel very optimistic that I will live a long and healthy life. The antioxidants and nutrients acquired by juicing are like medicine that heals your body. Juicing allows enzymes to be easily absorbed into our bloodstream, making juicing a remarkable way to protect and enhance brain and bodily function. Did you know juicing is like a fountain of youth? It’s a great way to significantly slow down the aging process through the way it hydrates our bodies.

Another significant benefit to juicing is how it detoxify’s our brains and bodies, allowing us a deeper connection to spirit. For me, it also helps to exponentially enhance my intuitive abilities.

Drew Canole said it best when he said, “Juicing is my personal favorite “self-love” ritual. When you start to invest time in yourself – caring for your amazing body, mind and spirit – the world will start to reflect back to you that love which you are putting out.”

How Juicing Can Change Your Life!

Juicing has been an amazing compliment to my (now) healthy lifestyle.   As stated above, you do not have to juice every day to reap the amazing benefits that juicing provides.  How do you know if juicing is for you?

  1. Is it hard for you to get enough fruits and vegetables in a day?
  2. Do you feel sluggish and unmotivated?
  3. Are you sick of being sick and tired?
  4. Would you like to regulate your hormones and have more control over your emotional reactions?
  5. Are you interested in connecting more deeply with your intuition?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then rest assured that Joe and I can help you! We have coached many people, have done countless research, and have perfected our own juicing methods.

Send us an email for general questions or book a session today for an in-depth consult on how juicing can be incorporated into your life!

Contact Us Now!

Maritza Gonzalez

Maritza Gonzalez

Maritza is an intuitive messenger, ascension coach, entrepreneur and aspiring writer. Having a fascination with psychology, Maritza is pursuing a Master’s in Social Work to become a clinical therapist. Maritza’s purpose in life (her calling) is to support, inspire and motivate others. She’d like to make an impressionable difference in people’s lives by bringing clarity and helping them find their purpose.